25 research outputs found


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    As internationalization and globalization in higher education intensifi es, there are ever increasing numbers of students who travel beyond their own country’s borders to study. Thus, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a methodology which is at once growing in importance and becoming more widespread. Therefore the purpose of this article is to discuss eight pedagogical principles and approaches to the teaching of English in an academic environment, which can help to enhance both non-native students’ and academics’ learning of EAP. These approaches and principles refl ect unique conditions and goals which are emblematic of the teaching EAP (TEAP) such as meeting students’ immediate needs, the use of authentic materials or the issue of intercultural awareness

    Changes in formal written discourse and their implications for the teaching of academic writing at university level

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    The development of new communication and information media (ICT) has a considerable impact on the development of the language system, including written discourse. The purpose of this paper is to describe recent changes in written English, which have been caused by the arrival of ICT. Moreover, it also characterizes academic register and explores implications for the teaching of academic writing at university level

    Economic methods used in health technology assessment

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    Early decision-making process about the development of a new product is essential for any company in order to gain relevant financial returns and thus prosper. Therefore, managers need to have at their disposal appropriate assessment tools which assist them in their decisions about the development of the new product and guarantee that their product will generate a desirable profit. The purpose of this review focuses on the exploration of the methodology, commonly used in the economic evaluation as part of health technology assessment for medical devices. On the basis of the selected original studies, the authors summarize the main methods used in the decision-making processes about the development of new medical devices and discuss their benefits and limitations. The methods employed in this study include a method of literature search in the databases Web of Science, MEDLINE, and Embase, and a method of comparison and evaluation of the results. The findings of this study indicate that the most preferred methods used in the economic evaluations of medical device development are cost-utility analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. In addition, the Headroom Method is recommended to be used in the early assessment of the medical device development since it uses broader estimates of potential by determining the maximum reimbursable price of the new device. Selection of each method then depends on the research question, the condition of interest, and the availability of data on outcomes. There is an urgent need to conduct the early assessment of the medical device development in order to avoid negatively high costs and prevent a failure rate at each stage of the development process

    Complexity stage model of the medical device development based on economic evaluation-MedDee

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    The development of a new product is essential for the progress and success of any company. The medical device market is very specific, which is challenging. Therefore, this paper assesses an economic model for medical device evaluation using the economic, health, technology regulatory, and present market knowledge to enable the cost-time conception for any applicant. The purpose of this study is to propose a comprehensive stage model of the medical device development to subsequently describe the financial expenditure of the entire development process. The identification of critical steps was based on the literature review, and analysis, and a comparison of the available medical device development stages and directives. Furthermore, a preliminary assessment of the medical device development steps and procedures on the basis of the interviews was performed. Six interviews were conducted with an average duration of one hour, focusing on areas: relevance and level of detail of the medical device development stages, involvement of economic methods, and applicability of the proposed model. Subsequently, the improvement and modification of the medical device investment process, based on respondents' responses, were conducted. The authors have proposed the complexity model MedDee-Medical Devices Development by Economic Evaluation. This model is comprised of six phases: initiation, concept, design, production, final verification, and market disposition in which the economic methods are incorporated.Web of Science125art. no. 175

    Lymphocyte populations and their change during five-year glatiramer acetate treatment

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    Background The goal of this study was to determine the characteristics that are affected in patients treated with glatiramer acetate (GA). Methods A total of 113 patients were included in this study. Patients were treated with glatiramer acetate (subcutaneous injection, 20 mg, each day). Peripheral blood samples were obtained just prior to treatment as well as 5 years after GA treatment. All the calculations were performed with the statistical system R (r-project.org). Results After 5 years of treatment, a significant decrease was found in the absolute and relative CD3+/CD69+ counts, the absolute and relative CD69 counts, the relative CD8+/CD38+ count and the relative CD38 count. A significant increase was found in the absolute and relative CD5+/CD45RA+ counts and the absolute CD5+/CD45RO+ count after 5 years of treatment. Conclusion This study presents some parameters that were affected by long-term GA treatment

    Optophonetic harmonies

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    The basic starting point of the following text lies in the essays written by Czech theorists of 1930s, such as poets, scientists, film critics and avant-garde filmmakers. The text proceeds from the precedence of asynchronity which is the fundamental mean of the film language. It follows the origins of using the sound as the bearer of meaning and it looks for describe it as a meaning-making element of the film transmission. I?m writing about the experiments of visualisation of sounds based on searching the analogy between the visual and the acoustic space of a film opus. I proceeded from the films of O. Fischinger, Whitney brothers, L. Lye, H. Hirshe, F. and S. Themerson and J. Lehovec. For the analysis of relations between geometrical and informel structures depending on the space and the time, I used the films of M. Duchamp, F. Léger, G. Dulac, H. Chomette, R. Steiner, H. Richter, V. Eggeling and W. Ruttmann. An integral part of this text is the formal analysis of the film Na Pražském hradě (Prague Castle, 1931) by Alexander Hackenschmied. All this only for find the optophonetic harmonies, based on the vibrations of the acoustic and visual waves and their synchronous or asynchronous variations

    The birth of the myth of Dracula and his transformation, not only in the history of film

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    The starting point of my work will be a selection of films about Dracula.In this thesis, I would like to address the evolution in the representations of Dracula, from physical appearance to changes in the character, as well as the character development within the story.I want to look into this subject from a broad scope: Not only from the cinematographic context, but also from the cultural, historical and dramaturgical context. I'm interested in the evolution of the archetype of immortality in different cultural manifestations, from body embalming through sculpture, painting, photography to film. Furthermore, the thesis will study the reassessment of its symbolism, the phenomena of film remaking and the meaning behind the necessity for repetition and reinterpretation of the myth.This work should also ascertain when the reality becomes myth and why.My sources of information will not be only the selected films, but specialized literature by authors such as M. Eliade, B. Fořt and E.Fromm

    Optophonetic harmonies

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    Základními východisky pro mou práci jsou statě českých teoretiků 30. let od básníků, vědců, filmových kritiků až po avantgardní filmové tvůrce. Práce vychází zpriority asynchronnosti, která je základním výrazovým prostředkem. Sleduje počátky práce se zvukem a jeho začlenění mezi významotvorné prvky filmového sdělení. Zaobírám se pokusy o vizualizaci zvuku založené na hledání analogie obrazové a zvukové složky. Východisky mi jsoufilmy O. Fischingra, bratrů Whitneyových, L. Lye, H. Hirshe, F. a S. Themersonových i J. Lehovce. K analýze vztahů geometrických a informelních struktur vzávislosti na prostoru a čase mi posloužily filmy M. Duchampa, F. Legéra, G. Dulacové, H. Chometta, R. Steinera, H. Richtera, V. Eggelinga a W. Ruttmanna. Nedílnou součástí této práce je skladebná analýza filmu Alexandra Hackenschmieda Na Pražském hradě. To vše za účelem nalézt optofonetické harmonie založené na vibracích zvukových a obrazových vln a jejich synchronních či asynchronních variací

    Current state of teaching productive language skills in a foreign language

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    Cílem článku je analyzovat současný stav výuky produktivních řečových dovedností s ohledem na jejich místo v procesu úspěšného rozvíjení komunikační kompetence. Článek je rozdělen do tří částí. V první části autorka podává stručnou charakteristiku komunikační metody a komunikační kompetence. V druhé části se pak zaměřuje na zastoupení řečových dovedností ve výuce cizích jazyků a detekuje důvody pro jejich nevyvážené zastoupení ve výuce. Ve třetí části autorka shrnuje výuku úspěšného rozvíjení produktivních řečových dovedností na školách a zdůrazňuje roli motivace při jejich osvojování. Na základě výše uvedeného pak v závěru prezentace autorka podává několik doporučení pro rozvoj produktivních řečových dovedností na školách a klade důraz na nezastupitelnou roli učitele v procesu rozvíjení řečových dovedností ve výuce cizích jazyků.The aim of this article is to analyze the current state of teaching productive language skills with regard to their place in the process of successful development of communication competence. Firstly, the author provides a brief characteristic of the communication method and communication competence. Secondly, she focuses on the representation of language skills in foreign language teaching and detects the reasons for their unbalanced representation in teaching. And thirdly, the author summarizes the teaching of the successful development of productive language skills in schools and emphasizes the role of motivation in their acquisition

    Evaluation of economic instruments used in nature protection, with special attention paid to the systém of compensations for damages caused by protected animal species (case study of the Třeboňsko PLA)

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    The given Bachelor Thesis deals with the assessment regarding the system of awarding compensatory damages caused by specially protected animal species in the period between 2000 and 2011 within the territory of the Protected Landscape Area of Třeboňsko. Compensatory damages thus represent one of the most important economic instruments in the general scheme of the nature and landscape protection to which the protection of specially protected animal species is being provided. The procedure of application and awarding of the given compensatory damages has been stipulated in the Act No. 115/2000 Coll. on compensation for damages caused by selected specially protected animal species. The work also analyses both development of provided compensatory damages in the aforesaid years and efficiency evaluation and utility of this instrument in the nature and landscape protection within the territory of the Protected Landscape Area of Třeboňsko. Furthermore, the topic evaluates awareness regarding the possibility of using compensatory damages through the website authorities of the nature and landscape protection